ConiaCloud Drive AI

Choose The Right ConiaSoft Program For Your Business

Price list
ConiaCloud AI

Prices Are Determined Annually.

ConiaCloud Basic

10 GB Storage

Share with upto 50 ConiaCloud Users

ConiaCloud Features

ConiaCloud Extra Member Benefits

Access to ConiaCloud Expertise

ConiaCloud SQL

ConiaCloud Artificial Intelligence AI Based

License Fee Included

100 GB Storage

Share with up to 100 ConiaCloud Users

ConiaCloud Features

ConiaCloud Extra Member Benefits

Access to ConiaCloud Expertise

TL 5,700 TL 5,700

ConiaCloud Artificial Intelligence AI Based

License Fee Included

200 GB Storage

Share with up to 300 ConiaCloud Users

ConiaCloud Features

ConiaCloud Extra Member Benefits

Access to ConiaCloud Expertise

TL 10,200 TL 10,200

ConiaCloud Artificial Intelligence AI Based

License Fee Included

500 GB of Storage

Share with up to 1000 ConiaCloud Users

ConiaCloud Features

ConiaCloud Extra Member Benefits

Access to ConiaCloud Expertise

TL 22,900 TL 22,900

ConiaCloud Artificial Intelligence AI Based

License Fee Included

1 TB Storage

Share with up to 2500 ConiaCloud Users

ConiaCloud Features

ConiaCloud Extra Member Benefits

Access to ConiaCloud Expertise

TL 41,200 TL 41,200

Prices Are Determined Annually.

Prices are excluding VAT.

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